Release Notes
Below are the notes from all libEnsemble releases.
GitHub issues are referenced, and can be viewed with hyperlinks on the github releases page.
Release 1.4.3
- Date:
Dec 16, 2024
Fix wait_on_start type-instance condition checking. #1474
Logging updates: * Add VDEBUG logging level for the tracking of log message communications. #1486 * Show worker node in the log only when running in distributed mode and with DEBUG logging. #1486 * Update uneven distribution messaging. #1486
- Scripts:
Add scripts for plotting APOSMM optimization runs. #1461
Convert test runner to Python. #1437
- Examples:
Move dragonfly GP, heFFTe, ytopt, and Ax multitask tests to community examples. #1439
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Polaris (ALCF) and Perlmutter (NERSC).
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.4.2
- Date:
August 14, 2024
Fix under-utilized resource usage. #1398 * Fixes bug causing executor to wrongly increase processor counts when not all nodes are utilized. * Fixes case where setting num_gpus to zero was treated as None.
Add missing PerlmutterGPU specs (these were detected anyway). #1393
Handle case where Perlmutter finds no partition. #1391
Launch environment scripts in shell. #1392
- Examples:
Add proxystore example (uses a proxy in history array). #1326
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Frontier (OLCF), Polaris (ALCF), and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Note that tests have been recently run on Aurora (ALCF), but the system was unavailable at time of release.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.4.1
- Date:
July 29, 2024
Fix erroneous
warning when usingmpi4py
comms. #1383
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Frontier (OLCF), Polaris (ALCF), and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Note that tests have been recently run on Aurora (ALCF), but the system was unavailable at time of release.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.4.0
- Date:
July 25, 2024
Add a
option for real-time data collection / plotting. #1310nworkers
are set whenEnsemble
object is created. #1331/ #1336 * This update locks the comms method whenEnsemble
object is created.Add a
option to deal with unevenly resourced nodes. #1349Bug fix: Fix shutdown hang on worker error when using
. #1348Bug fix: Log level was locked to
when using class interface.Updated code to support
Notebook examples with Colab links added to documentation. #1310 * E.g.,
Example of templating input files added to forces tutorial. #1310
Example user functions:
generators to work with latest interface.Change
. Works with multiple dimensions. #1352 / #1354
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Frontier (OLCF), Polaris (ALCF), and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Note that tests have been recently run on Aurora (ALCF), but the system was unavailable at time of release.
Tests were also run on Bebop and Improv LCRC systems.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.3.0
- Date:
May 01, 2024
Support generator running on the manager (on a thread). #1216/#1290 * Set libE_specs[“gen_on_manager”] = True * Then run with nworkers equal to the number of simulation workers.
Default to local comms when nworkers is supplied and no MPI runner is detected. #1169
Parse args defaults to local comms when –nworkers (or -n) is set on the command line. #1169
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Frontier (OLCF), Polaris (ALCF), and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Note that tests have been recently run on Aurora (ALCF), but the system was unavailable at time of release.
Tests were also run on Bebop and Improv LCRC systems.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.2.2
- Date:
March 21, 2024
Bugfix: Some libE_specs were not passed through correctly when added after ensemble initialization. #1264
platform_specs options are now merged with detected platforms, rather than replacing. #1265
Ensure simulation directories are created when sim_input_dir is specified, likewise for gen dirs. #1266
Example user functions:
Improved structure of gpCAM generator. #1260
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Frontier (OLCF), Polaris (ALCF), and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Note that tests have been recently run on Aurora (ALCF), but the system was unavailable at time of release.
Tests were also run on Bebop and Improv LCRC systems.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.2.1
- Date:
February 23, 2024
Fix documentation bug where pydantic models do not display correctly. #1249
Improve internal efficiency. #1243 / #1249
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Aurora (ALCF), Frontier (OLCF), Polaris, and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Tests were also run on Bebop and Improv LCRC systems.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.2.0
- Date:
February 8, 2024
New capabilities:
Support for both Pydantic 1 and 2. #1135
dtype in history array. #1179 / #1181Users can add additional fields to output arrays in user functions. #1203
Decorators to provide user function in/out specs. #1072
Bug fix - Overwrite history file on completion when even when the pathname is unchanged. #1177
Prevent duplicate save when using
. #1154Add a
task status. #1229Set
when create ensemble object even whenparse_args
is False. #1162
Platform support:
Add platform support for Aurora. #1183 * Support for GPU tiles (new platform spec tiles_per_gpu). * Add libE_specs option use_tiles_as_gpus to treat each tile as a GPU. * Add Aurora platform guide.
Add platform guide for Improv. #1235
Detection of Perlmutter GPU nodes updated. #1211
GPU setting default to gpus_per_task instead of gpus_per_node. #1206Remove Theta support and guide. #1200
Example user functions:
Add gpCAM generator. #1189 / #1213 / #1220
Support for IBCDFO local optimization methods in APOSMM. #998
Add mock_sim to enable replay of a previous run using history file. #1207
Fix Sine tutorial. #1168
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Aurora (ALCF), Frontier (OLCF), Polaris, and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Tests were also run on Bebop and Improv LCRC systems.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.1.0
- Date:
November 8, 2023
New capabilities:
New history array save options in libE_specs. #1103/#1139/#1141 * save_H_on_completion saves history before exiting main libE function. * save_H_with_date includes date and timestamp in the save. * H_file_prefix provides prefix for saved file. * save_H_on_completion defaults to True when save_every_k_gens/sims is set.
Support for Python versions:
Adds support/testing for Python 3.12
Removes testing of Python 3.8
- Note:
Tests were run on Linux and MacOS with Python versions 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Heterogeneous workflows tested on Frontier (OLCF), Polaris, and Perlmutter (NERSC).
Tests were also run on Bebop and Improv LCRC systems.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 1.0.0
- Date:
September 25, 2023
New capabilities:
libE_specs option final_gen_send returns last results to the generator (replaces final_fields). #1086
libE_specs option reuse_output_dir allows reuse of workflow and ensemble directories. #1028 #1041
libE_specs option calc_dir_id_width no. of digits for calc ID in output sim/gen directories. #1052 / #1066
Added gen_num_procs and gen_num_gpus libE_specs (and persis_info) options for resourcing a generator. #1068
Added gpu_env_fallback option to platform fields - specifies a GPU environment variable (for non-MPI usage). #1050
New MPIExecutor submit() argument mpi_runner_type specifies an MPI runner for current call only. #1054
Allow oversubscription when using the num_procs gen_specs[“out”] option. #1058
sim/gen_specs can use outputs in place of out to be consistent with inputs. #1075
Executor can be obtained from libE_info (4th parameter) in user functions. #1078
Breaking changes:
libE_specs option final_fields is removed in favor of final_gen_send. #1086
libE_specs option kill_canceled_sims now defaults to False. #1062
parse_args is not run automatically by Ensemble constructor.
Updates to Object Oriented Ensemble interface:
Added parse_args as option to Ensemble constructor. #1065
The executor can be passed as an option to the Ensemble constructor. #1078
Better handling of Ensemble.add_random_streams and ensemble.persis_info. #1074
Output changes:
The worker ID suffix is removed from sim/gen output directories. #1041
Separate ensemble.log and libE_stats.txt for different workflows directories. #1027 #1041
Defaults to four digits for sim/gen ID in output directories (adds digits on overflow). #1052 / #1066
Bug fixes:
Resolved PETSc/Open-MPI issue (when using the Executor). #1064
Prevent mpi4py validation running during local comms (when using OO interface). #1065
Performance changes:
Optimize kill_cancelled_sims function. #1043 / #1063
safe_mode defaults to False (for performance). #1053
Updates to example functions:
Multiple regression tests and examples ported to use OO ensemble interface. #1014
Update forces examples:
Make persistent generator the default for both simple and GPU examples (inc. updated tutorials).
Update to object oriented interface.
Added separate variable resources example for forces GPU.
Rename multi_task example to multi_app.
General overhaul and simplification of documentation. #992
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Windows, and major systems such as Frontier (OLCF), Polaris, and Perlmutter (NERSC). The major system tests ran heterogeneous workflows.
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.
- Known Issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 0.10.2
- Date:
July 24, 2023
Fixes issues with workflow directories: * Ensure relative paths are interpreted from where libEnsemble is run. #1020 * Create intermediate directories for workflow paths. #1017
Fixes issue where libEnsemble pre-initialized a shared multiprocessing queue. #1026
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Windows and major systems including Frontier (OLCF), Polaris (ALCF), Perlmutter (NERSC), Theta (ALCF) and Bebop. The major system tests ran heterogeneous workflows.
- Known issues:
On systems using SLURM 23.02, some issues have been experienced when using
comms.See the known issues section in the documentation for more information (
Release 0.10.1
- Date:
July 10, 2023
Hotfix for breaking changes in Pydantic.
Pin Pydantic to version < 2.
Minor fixes for NumPy 1.25 deprecations.
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Windows and major systems including Frontier (OLCF) and Perlmutter (NERSC). The major system tests ran heterogeneous workflows.
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.
- Known issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 0.10.0
- Date:
May 26, 2023
New capabilities:
Enhance portability and simplify the assignment of procs/GPUs to worker resources #928 / #983 * Auto-detect GPUs across systems (inc. Nvidia, AMD, and Intel GPUs). * Auto-determination of GPU assignment method by MPI runner or provided platform. * Portable auto_assign_gpus / match_procs_to_gpus and num_gpus arguments added to the MPI executor submit. * Add set_to_gpus function (similar to set_to_slots). * Allow users to specify known systems via option or environment variable. * Allow users to specify their own system configurations. * These changes remove a number of tweaks that were needed for particular platforms.
Resource management supports GPU and non-GPU simulations in the same ensemble. #993 * User’s can specify num_procs and num_gpus in the generator for each evaluation.
Pydantic models are used for validating major libE input (input can be provided as classes or dictionaries). #878
Added option to store output and ensemble directories in a workflow directory. #982
Simplify user function interface. Valid user functions can accept <4 parameters and return <3 values. #971
New option to parse settings from TOML. #745
New dry_run option to libE() that checks scripts are valid and returns. #987
Added an option to the executor submit function to pre-execute a script in the task environment. #996
Breaking changes:
Removed old Balsam Executor. #921
Ensemble class moved from libensemble.api to libensemble.ensemble. #1003
Default to one resource set per simulation in dynamic scheduling mode. #996
Added type hints/annotations for major modules/functions. #823
Added Polaris Guide. #930
Added Frontier Guide. #909
Added PBS example scripts. #956 #930
Streamlined and improved the readability of docs. #1004
Tests and Examples:
Updated forces_gpu tutorial example. #956 * Source code edit is not required for the GPU version. * Reports whether running on device or host. * Increases problem size. * Added versions with persistent generator and multi-task (GPU v non-GPU).
Moved multiple tests, generators, and simulators to the community repo.
Added ytopt example. And updated heFFTe example. #943
Support Python 3.11 #922
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Windows and major systems: Frontier (OLCF), Polaris (ALCF), and Perlmutter (NERSC). The major system tests ran heterogeneous workflows.
Recent testing was also carried out on Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), but this was not possible at time of release.
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.
- Known issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 0.9.3
- Date:
October 13, 2022
New capabilities:
New pair of utilities, liberegister and libesubmit (based on PSI/J), for easily preparing and launching libEnsemble workflows with local comms onto most machines and schedulers. #807
New persistent support function to cancel sim_ids (request_cancel_sim_ids). #880
keep_state option for persistent workers: this lets the manager know that the information being sent is intermediate. #880
Other enhancements:
The Executor manager_poll() interface now sets consistent flags instead of literal strings. #877
Some internal modules and the test suite now work on Windows. #869 #888
Specifying the num_resource_sets libE_specs option instead of zero_resource_workers is now recommended except when using a fixed worker/resource mapping. Use
to assign persistent generator resources (default is zero). #905An extraneous warning removed. #903
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Windows, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Swing (A100 GPU system), Perlmutter (HPE Cray EX with A100 NVIDIA GPUs). For Perlmutter, see “Known issues” below.
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.
- Known issues:
At time of testing on Perlmutter there was an issue running concurrent applications on a node, following a recent system update. This also affects previous versions of libEnsemble, and is being investigated.
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 0.9.2
- Date:
July 06, 2022
New capabilities:
Support auto-detection of PBS node lists. #602
Added configuration options for libE_stats.txt file. #743
Support for spawn and forkserver multiprocessing start methods. #797
Note that macOS no longer switches to using fork. macOS (since Python 3.8) and Windows default to using spawn. When using spawn, we recommend placing calling script code in an
if __name__ == "__main__":
block. The multiprocessing interface can be used to switch methods (
Updates to example functions:
Added simple dynamic sampling example. #833 Added heFFTe example. #844 Regression tests separated into problem examples and functionality tests. #839
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Swing (A100 GPU system), Perlmutter (HPE Cray EX with A100 NVIDIA GPUs).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.
- Known issues:
The APOSMM generator function has been noted to operate slower than expected with the spawn multiprocessing start method. For this reason we recommend using fork with APOSMM, when using local comms (fork is the default method on Linux systems).
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 0.9.1
- Date:
May 11, 2022
This release has minimal changes, but a large number of touched lines.
Reformatted code for black compliance, including string normalization. #811, #814, #821
Added Spock and Crusher guides. #802
User can now set
to any string (for output in libE_stats). #808Added a workflows community initiative file. #817
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Swing (A100 GPU system), Perlmutter (HPE Cray EX with A100 NVIDIA GPUs).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.
- Known issues:
See known issues section in the documentation.
Release 0.9.0
- Date:
Apr 29, 2022
Featured new capabilities:
New Balsam Executor with multi-site capability (run user applications on remote systems). #631, #729
Support for funcX (place user functions on remote systems). #712 / #713
Added partial support for concurrent/futures interface. (cancel(), cancelled(), done(), running(), result(), exception() and context manager) #719
Breaking API / helper function changes:
See “Updating for libEnsemble v0.9.0” wiki for details:
Scheduler options moved from alloc_specs[‘user’] to libE_specs. #790
BalsamMPIExecutor is now LegacyBalsamMPIExecutor. #729
The exit_criteria elapsed_wallclock_time has been renamed wallclock_max. #750 (with a deprecation warning)
Clearer and consistent naming of libE-protected fields in history array. #760
Updates to example functions:
Moved some examples to new repository - [libe-community-examples]( (VTMOP, DEAP, DeepDriveMD). #716, #721, #726
Updates to Tasmanian examples to include asynchronous generator example. #727 / #732
Added multi-task, multi-fidelity optimization regression tests using ax. #717 / #720
Other functionality enhancements:
Non-blocking option added for persistent user function receives. #752
Added match_slots option to resource scheduler. #746
Added tutorial on assigning tasks to GPUs. #768
Refactored Executor tutorial for simplicity. #749
Added Perlmutter guide. #728
Added Slurm guide. #728
Refactored examples and tutorials - added exercises. #736 / #737
Updated history array documentation with visual workflow example. #723
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Swing (A100 GPU system), Perlmutter (HPE Cray EX with A100 NVIDIA GPUs).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.
- Known issues:
Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in
comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches. (Either use local mode or the Balsam Executor.)See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.
Release 0.8.0
- Date:
Oct 20, 2021
Featured new capabilities:
Variable resource workers (dynamic reassignment of resources to workers). #643
Alternative libE interface. An Ensemble object is created and can be parameterized by a YAML file. #645
Improved support classes/functions for alloc/gen/sims and executors.
Many new example generator/simulators and workflows.
Breaking API / helper function changes:
See “Updating for libEnsemble v0.8.0” wiki for details:
Resources management is now independent of the executor. #345
field has been added to gen_specs/sim_specs (instead of being hard-coded in alloc funcs). #626 / #670alloc support
module is now a class. #643 / #656gen_support
module is replaced by Persistent Worker support module (now a class). #609 / #671Remove
prefix from the logger. #608avail_worker_ids
function should specifyEVAL_GEN_TAG
instead ofTrue
. #615 #643Pass
to allocation functions (allows more flexibility for user and efficiency improvements). #672'given_back'
is now a protected libEnsemble field in the manager’s history array. #651Several name changes to functions and parameters (See the wiki above for details). #529 / #659
Updates to example functions:
Suite of distributed optimization methods for minimizing sums of convex functions. #647 / #649. Methods include:
primal-dual sliding (
N-agent, or distributed gradient descent w/ gradient tracking (
proximal sliding (
Added batched construction for Tasmanian example. #644
Added Tasmanian dependency to Spack package. spack/spack#25762
Added VTMOP source code and example usage. #676
Added a multi-fidelity persistent_gp regression test. #683 / #684
Added a DeepDriveMD inspired workflow. #630
Created a persistent sim example. #614 / #615
Added an example where cancellations are given from the alloc func. #677
Other functionality changes:
A helper function for generic task polling loop has been added. #572 / #612
Break main loop now happens when sim_max is returned rather than given out. #624
Enable a final communication with gen. #620 / #628
Logging updates - includes timestamps, enhanced debug logging, and libEnsemble version. #629 / #674
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Swing (A100 GPU system).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 [1].
- Known issues:
Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in
comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches. (Either use local mode or the Balsam Executor.)See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.
Release 0.7.2
- Date:
May 03, 2021
API additions:
Active receive option added that allows irregular manager/worker communication patterns. (#527 / #595)
A mechanism is added for the cancellation/killing of previously issued evaluations. (#528 / #595 / #596)
A submit function is added in the base
class that runs a serial application locally. (#531 / #595)Added libEnsemble history array protected fields: returned_time, last_given_time, and last_gen_time. (#590)
Updated libE_specs options (
). (#547 / #548)Explicit seeding of random streams in
is now possible. (#542 / #545)
Updates to example functions:
Added Surmise calibration generator function and two examples (regression tests). (#595)
Other changes:
Better support for uneven worker to node distribution (including at sub-node level). (#591 / #600)
Fixed crash when running on Windows. (#534)
Fixed crash when running with empty persis_info. (#571 / #578)
Error handling has been made more robust. (#592)
processing (esp. for pre-generated, but not evaluated points). (#536 / #537)A global
is now given, rather than a local count, in _libE_stats.txt_. Also a global gen count is given. (#587, #588)Added support for Python 3.9. (#532 / Removed support for Python 3.5. (#562)
Improve SLURM nodelist detection (more robust). (#560)
Add check that user does not change protected history fields (Disable via
libE_specs['safe_mode'] = False
). (#541)Added
script for better interrogating the output history files. (#558)In examples,
changed tois_manager
to be consistent with manager/worker nomenclature. (#524)
Added tutorial Borehole Calibration with Selective Simulation Cancellation. (#581 / #595)
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.
- Known issues:
Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in
comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches (Either use local mode or Balsam Executor).See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.
Release 0.7.1
- Date:
Oct 15, 2020
is now a required dependency. (#478 #491)
API additions:
Executor updates:
Addition of a zero-resource worker option for persistent gens (does not allocate nodes to gen). (#500)
Multiple applications can be registered to the Executor (and submitted) by name. (#498)
Wait function added to Tasks. (#499)
Gen directories can now be created with options analogous to those for sim dirs. (#349 / #489)
Other changes:
Improve comms efficiency (Repack fields when NumPy version 1.15+). (#511)
Fix multiprocessing error on macOS/Python3.8 (Use ‘fork’ instead of ‘spawn’). (#502 / #503)
Updates to example functions:
Allow APOSMM to trigger ensemble exit when condition reached. (#507)
Improvement in how persistent APOSMM shuts down subprocesses (preventing PETSc MPI-abort). (#478)
APOSMM Tutorial added. (#468)
Writing guide for user functions added to docs (e.g., creating sim_f, gen_f, alloc_f). (#510)
Addition of posters and presentations section to docs (inc. Jupyter notebooks/binder links). (#492 #497)
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), and Bridges (HPE system at PSC).
Cori (Cray XC40/Slurm) was not tested with release code due to system issues.
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8.
- Known issues:
We currently recommend running in Central mode on Bridges, as distributed runs are experiencing hangs.
Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in mpi4py comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches (Either use local mode or Balsam Executor).
See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.
Release 0.7.0
- Date:
May 22, 2020
Breaking API changes:
Job_controller/Job renamed to Executor/Task and
function tosubmit
. (#285)Executors/Resources/Utils moved into sub-packages.
now in packagetools
. (#285)sim/gen/alloc support functions moved into
sub-package. (#285)Restructuring of sim directory creation with
configuration options. E.g: Whensim_input_dir
is given, directories for each sim are created. (#267)User can supply a file called
). (#455)
API additions:
Added gen_funcs.rc configuration framework with option to select APOSMM Optimizers for import. (#444)
defaults via alloc_funcs.defaults module. (#325)Added
option to the Executor submit function to allow addition of arbitrary MPI runner options. (#445)Added
argument to MPI Executor to allow overriding of detected settings. (#448)Added
option to disable log files. (#368)
Other changes:
Added libEnsemble Conda package, hosted on conda-forge.
Bugfix: Intermittent failures with repeated libE calls under mpi4py comms. Every libE call now uses its own duplicate of provided communicator and closes out. (#373/#387)
More accurate timing in libE_stats.txt. (#318)
Addition of new post-processing scripts.
Updates to example functions:
Persistent APOSMM is now the recommended APOSMM ( renamed to (#435)
New alloc/gen func: Finite difference parameters with noise estimation. (#350)
New example gen func: Tasmanian UQ generator. (#351)
New example gen func: Deap/NSGA2 generator. (#407)
New example gen func to interface with VTMOP.
New example sim func: Borehole. (#367)
New example use-case: WarpX/APOSMM. (#425)
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), Cori (Cray XC40/Slurm), and Bridges (HPE system at PSC).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8.
- Known issues:
We currently recommended running in Central mode on Bridges as distributed runs are experiencing hangs.
See known issues section in the documentation for more issues.
Release 0.6.0
- Date:
December 4, 2019
API changes:
sim/gen/alloc_specs options that do not directly involve these routines are moved to libE_specs (see docs). (#266, #269)
sim/gen/alloc_specs now require user-defined attributes to be added under the
field (see docs and examples). (#266, #269)Addition of a utils module to help users create calling scripts. Includes an argument parser and utility functions. (#308)
check_inputs() function is moved to the utils module. (#308)
The libE_specs option
has been changed tonworkers
. (#235)
New example functions:
Addition of a persistent APOSMM generator function. (#217)
Other changes:
Overhaul of documentation, including HPC platform guides and a new pdf structure. (inc. #232, #282)
Addition of OpenMP threading and GPU support to forces test. (#250)
Balsam job_controller now tested on Travis. (#47)
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm), and Cori (Cray XC40/Slurm).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
- Known issues:
These are unchanged from v0.5.0.
A known issues section has now been added to the documentation.
Release 0.5.2
- Date:
August 19, 2019
Code has been restructured to meet xSDK package policies for interoperable ECP software (version 0.5.0). #208
The use of MPI.COMM_WORLD has been removed. Uses a duplicate of COMM_WORLD if no communicator passed (any process not in communicator returns with an exit code of 3). #108
All output from libEnsemble goes via logger. MANAGER_WARNING level added. This level and above are echoed to stderr by default. API option to change echo level.
Simulation directories are created only during sim_f calls are suffixed by _worker. #146
New user function libE.check_inputs() can be used to check valid configuration of inputs. Can be called in serial or under MPI (see libE API). #65
Installation option has been added to install dependencies used in tests
pip install libensemble[extras]
.A profiling option has been added to sim_specs. #170
Results comparison scripts have been included for convenience.
- Note:
Tested platforms include Linux, MacOS (New), Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), and Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
Note Support has been removed for Python 3.4 since it is officially retired. Also NumPy has removed support.
- Known issues:
These are unchanged from v0.5.0.
Release 0.5.1
- Date:
July 11, 2019
Fixed LSF resource detection for large jobs on LSF systems (e.g., Summit). #184
Added support for macOS. #182
Improved the documentation (including addition of beginner’s tutorial and FAQ).
- Note:
Tested platforms include Local Linux, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), and Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
Tested Python versions: (Cpython) 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7.
- Known issues:
These are unchanged from v0.5.0.
Release 0.5.0
- Date:
May 22, 2019
Added local (multiprocessing) and TCP options for manager/worker communications, in addition to mpi4py. (#42).
Example: libEnsemble can be run on MOM/launch nodes (e.g., those of ALCF/Theta & OLCF/Summit) and can remotely detect compute resources.
Example: libEnsemble can be run on a system without MPI.
Example: libEnsemble can be run with a local manager and remote TCP workers.
Added support for Summit/LSF scheduler in job controller.
MPI job controller detects and retries launches on failure; adding resilience. (#143)
Job controller supports option to extract/print job times in libE_stats.txt. (#136)
Default logging level changed to INFO. (#164)
Logging interface added, which allows user to change logging level and file. (#110)
All worker logging and calculation stats are routed through manager.
libEnsemble can be run without a gen_func, for example, when using a previously computed random sample. (#122)
Aborts dump persis_info with the history.
- Note:
This version no longer supports Python 2.
Tested platforms include Local Linux, Theta (Cray XC40/Cobalt), Summit (IBM Power9/LSF), and Bebop (Cray CS400/Slurm).
- Known issues:
Open-MPI does not work with direct MPI job launches in mpi4py comms mode, since it does not support nested MPI launches (Either use local mode or Balsam job controller).
Local comms mode (multiprocessing) may fail if MPI is initialized before forking processors. This is thought to be responsible for issues combining with PETSc.
Remote detection of logical cores via LSB_HOSTS (e.g., Summit) returns number of physical cores since SMT info not available.
TCP mode does not support (1) more than one libEnsemble call in a given script or (2) the auto-resources option to the job controller.
Release 0.4.1
- Date:
February 20, 2019
Logging no longer uses root logger (also added option to change libEnsemble log level). (#105)
Added wait_on_run option for job controller launch to block until jobs have started. (#111)
persis_info can be passed to sim as well as gen functions. (#112)
Postprocessing scripts added to create performance/utilization graphs. (#102)
New scaling test added (not part of current CI test suite). (#114)
Release 0.4.0
- Date:
November 7, 2018
Separated job controller classes into different modules including a base class (API change).
Added central_mode run option to distributed type (MPI) job_controllers (API addition). (#93)
Made poll and kill job methods (API change).
In job_controller, set_kill_mode is removed and replaced by a wait argument for a hard kill (API change).
Removed register module - incorporated into job_controller (API change).
APOSMM has improved asynchronicity when batch mode is false (with new example). (#96)
Manager errors (instead of hangs) when alloc_f or gen_f don’t return work when all workers are idle. (#95)
- Known issues:
Open-MPI is not supported with direct MPI launches since nested MPI launches are not supported.
Release 0.3.0
- Date:
September 7, 2018
Issues with killing jobs have been fixed. (#21)
Fixed job_controller manager_poll to work with multiple jobs. (#62)
API change: persis_info now included as an argument to libE and is returned from libE instead of gen_info
Gen funcs: aposmm_logic module renamed to aposmm.
New example gen and allocation functions.
Updated Balsam launch script (with new Balsam workflow).
History is dumped to file on manager or worker exception and MPI aborted (with exit code 1). (#46)
Default logging level changed to DEBUG and redirected to file ensemble.log.
Added directory of standalone tests (comms, job kills, and nested MPI launches).
Improved and sped up unit tests. (#68)
Considerable documentation enhancements.
- Known issues:
Open-MPI is not supported with direct MPI launches since nested MPI launches are not supported.
Release 0.2.0
- Date:
June 29, 2018
Added job_controller interface (for portable user scripts).
Added support for using the Balsam job manager. Enables portability and dynamic scheduling.
Added autodetection of system resources.
Scalability testing: Ensemble performed with 1023 workers on Theta (Cray XC40) using Balsam.
Tested MPI libraries: MPICH and Intel MPI.
- Known issues:
Killing MPI jobs does not work correctly on some systems (including Cray XC40 and CS400). In these cases, libEnsemble continues, but processes remain running.
Open-MPI does not work correctly with direct launches (and has not been tested with Balsam).
Release 0.1.0
- Date:
November 30, 2017
Initial release.