User Function API
libEnsemble requires functions for generation, simulation, and allocation.
While libEnsemble provides a default allocation function, the simulator and generator functions must be specified. The required API and example arguments are given here. Example sim and gen functions are provided in the libEnsemble package.
See here for more in-depth guides to writing user functions
As of v0.10.0, valid simulator and generator functions
can accept and return a smaller subset of the listed parameters and return values. For instance,
a def my_simulation(one_Input) -> one_Output
function is now accepted,
as is def my_generator(Input, persis_info) -> Output, persis_info
sim_f API
The simulator function will be called by libEnsemble’s workers with up to the following arguments and returns:
Out, persis_info, calc_status = sim_f(H[sim_specs["in"]][sim_ids_from_allocf], persis_info, sim_specs, libE_info)
gen_f API
The generator function will be called by libEnsemble’s workers with up to the following arguments and returns:
Out, persis_info, calc_status = gen_f(H[gen_specs["in"]][sim_ids_from_allocf], persis_info, gen_specs, libE_info)
alloc_f API
The allocation function will be called by libEnsemble’s manager with the following API:
Work, persis_info, stop_flag = alloc_f(W, H, sim_specs, gen_specs, alloc_specs, persis_info, libE_info)
numpy structured array
numpy structured array
Various statistics useful to the allocation function for determining how much work has been evaluated, or if the routine should prepare to complete. See the allocation function guide for more information.