A workflow for updating libEnsemble on Spack

This assumes you have already:

  • made a PyPI package for new version of libEnsemble and

  • made a GitHub fork of Spack and cloned it to your local system.

Details on how to create forks can be found at https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo.

You now have a configuration like that shown at (but without the upstream/local connection). https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6286571/are-git-forks-actually-git-clones.

Upstream, in this case, is the official Spack repository on GitHub. Origin is your fork on GitHub, and Local Machine is your local clone (from your fork).

Make sure SPACK_ROOT is set and Spack binary is in your path:


Do ONCE in your local checkout:

To set upstream repo:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/spack/spack.git
git remote -v # check added

(Optional) To prevent accidental pushes to upstream:

git remote set-url --push upstream no_push
git remote -v # Check for line: `upstream no_push (push)`

Updating (the main develop branch)

You will now update your local machine from the upstream repo (if in doubt, make a copy of the local repo in your file system before doing the following).

Check that the upstream remote is present:

git remote -v

Ensure that you are on the develop branch:

git checkout develop

Fetch from the upstream repo:

git fetch upstream

To update your local machine, you may wish to rebase or overwrite your local files. Select from the following:

If you have local changes to go “on top” of latest code:

git rebase upstream/develop

Or to make your local machine identical to upstream repo (WARNING: Any local changes will be lost!):

git reset --hard upstream/develop

(Optional) You may want to update your forked (origin) repo on GitHub at this point. This may requires a forced push:

git push origin develop --force

Making changes

The instructions below assume you make changes on the default develop branch. You can optionally create a branch to make changes on. Doing so may be a good idea, especially if you have multiple packages, to make separate branches for each package.

See the Spack [packaging](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/packaging_guide.html) and [contribution](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contribution_guide.html) guides for more info.

Quick example to update libEnsemble

This will open the libEnsemble package.py file in your editor (given by environment variable EDITOR):

spack edit py-libensemble  # SPACK_ROOT must be set (see above) (python packages use "py-" prefix)

Or just open it manually: var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-libensemble/package.py.

Now get checksum for new lines:

Get the tarball (see PyPI instructions), for the new release and use:

sha256sum libensemble-*.tar.gz

Update the package.py file by pasting in the new checksum lines (and make sure the URL line points to the latest version). Also update any dependencies for the new version.

Check package:

spack style

This will install a few python spack packages and run style checks on just your changes. Make adjustments if needed, until this passes.

If okay - add, commit, and push to origin (forked repo). For example, if your version number is 0.9.1:

git commit -am "libEnsemble: add v0.9.1"
git push origin develop --force

Once the branch is pushed to the forked repo, go to GitHub and do a pull request from this branch on the fork to the develop branch on the upstream.

Express Summary: Make Fork Identical to Upstream

Quick summary for bringing develop branch on forked repo up to speed with upstream (YOU WILL LOSE ANY CHANGES):

git remote add upstream https://github.com/spack/spack.git
git fetch upstream
git checkout develop
git reset --hard upstream/develop
git push origin develop --force

Reference: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9646167/clean-up-a-fork-and-restart-it-from-the-upstream/39628366>