General Specs

libEnsemble is primarily customized by setting options within a LibeSpecs class or dictionary.

from libensemble.specs import LibeSpecs

specs = LibeSpecs(
Settings by Category
comms [str] = "mpi":

Manager/Worker communications mode: 'mpi', 'local', or 'tcp'.

nworkers [int]:

Number of worker processes in "local" or "tcp".

mpi_comm [MPI communicator] = MPI.COMM_WORLD:

libEnsemble MPI communicator.

dry_run [bool] = False:

Whether libEnsemble should immediately exit after validating all inputs.

abort_on_exception [bool] = True:

In MPI mode, whether to call MPI_ABORT on an exception. If False, an exception will be raised by the manager.

worker_timeout [int] = 1:

On libEnsemble shutdown, number of seconds after which workers considered timed out, then terminated.

kill_canceled_sims [bool] = False:

Try to kill sims with cancel_requested set to True. If False, the manager avoids this moderate overhead.

disable_log_files [bool] = False:

Disable ensemble.log and libE_stats.txt log files.

use_workflow_dir [bool] = False:

Whether to place all log files, dumped arrays, and default ensemble-directories in a separate workflow directory. Each run is suffixed with a hash. If copying back an ensemble directory from another location, the copy is placed here.

workflow_dir_path [str]:

Optional path to the workflow directory.

ensemble_dir_path [str] = "./ensemble":

Path to main ensemble directory. Can serve as single working directory for workers, or contain calculation directories.

LibeSpecs.ensemble_dir_path = "/scratch/my_ensemble"
ensemble_copy_back [bool] = False:

Whether to copy back contents of ensemble_dir_path to launch location. Useful if ensemble_dir_path is located on node-local storage.

reuse_output_dir [bool] = False:

Whether to allow overwrites and access to previous ensemble and workflow directories in subsequent runs. False by default to protect results.

calc_dir_id_width [int] = 4:

The width of the numerical ID component of a calculation directory name. Leading zeros are padded to the sim/gen ID.

use_worker_dirs [bool] = False:

Whether to organize calculation directories under worker-specific directories:

- /ensemble_dir
    - /sim0000
    - /gen0001
    - /sim0001
- /ensemble_dir
    - /worker1
        - /sim0000
        - /gen0001
        - /sim0004
    - /worker2
sim_dirs_make [bool] = False:

Whether to make calculation directories for each simulation function call.

sim_dir_copy_files [list]:

Paths to files or directories to copy into each sim directory, or ensemble directory. List of strings or pathlib.Path objects.

sim_dir_symlink_files [list]:

Paths to files or directories to symlink into each sim directory, or ensemble directory. List of strings or pathlib.Path objects.

sim_input_dir [str]:

Copy this directory’s contents into the working directory upon calling the simulation function.

gen_dirs_make [bool] = False:

Whether to make generator-specific calculation directories for each generator function call. Each persistent generator creates a single directory.

gen_dir_copy_files [list]:

Paths to copy into the working directory upon calling the generator function. List of strings or pathlib.Path objects

gen_dir_symlink_files [list]:

Paths to files or directories to symlink into each gen directory. List of strings or pathlib.Path objects

gen_input_dir [str]:

Copy this directory’s contents into the working directory upon calling the generator function.

profile [bool] = False:

Profile manager and worker logic using cProfile.

safe_mode [bool] = True:

Prevents user functions from overwriting internal fields, but requires moderate overhead.

stats_fmt [dict]:

A dictionary of options for formatting "libE_stats.txt". See “Formatting Options for libE_stats.txt”.

workers [list]:

TCP Only: A list of worker hostnames.

ip [str]:

TCP Only: IP address for Manager’s system.

port [int]:

TCP Only: Port number for Manager’s system.

authkey [str]:

TCP Only: Authkey for Manager’s system.

workerID [int]:

TCP Only: Worker ID number assigned to the new process.

worker_cmd [list]:

TCP Only: Split string corresponding to worker/client Python process invocation. Contains a local Python path, calling script, and manager/server format-fields for manager_ip, manager_port, authkey, and workerID. nworkers is specified normally.

save_every_k_sims [int]:

Save history array to file after every k simulated points.

save_every_k_gens [int]:

Save history array to file after every k generated points.

save_H_and_persis_on_abort [bool] = True:

Save states of H and persis_info to file on aborting after an exception.

save_H_on_completion Optional[bool] = False

Save state of H to file upon completing a workflow. Also enabled when either save_every_k_sims or save_every_k_gens is set.

save_H_with_date Optional[bool] = False

Save H filename contains date and timestamp.

H_file_prefix Optional[str] = "libE_history"

Prefix for H filename.

use_persis_return_gen [bool] = False:

Adds persistent generator output fields to the History array on return.

use_persis_return_sim [bool] = False:

Adds persistent simulator output fields to the History array on return.

final_gen_send [bool] = False:

Send final simulation results to persistent generators before shutdown. The results will be sent along with the PERSIS_STOP tag.

disable_resource_manager [bool] = False:

Disable the built-in resource manager, including automatic resource detection and/or assignment of resources to workers. "resource_info" will be ignored.

platform [str]:

Name of a known platform, e.g., LibeSpecs.platform = "perlmutter_g" Alternatively set the LIBE_PLATFORM environment variable.

platform_specs [Platform|dict]:

A Platform object (or dictionary) specifying settings for a platform.. Fields not provided will be auto-detected. Can be set to a known platform object.

num_resource_sets [int]:

The total number of resource sets into which resources will be divided. By default resources will be divided by workers (excluding zero_resource_workers).

gen_num_procs [int] = 0:

The default number of processors (MPI ranks) required by generators. Unless overridden by equivalent persis_info settings, generators will be allocated this many processors for applications launched via the MPIExecutor.

gen_num_gpus [int] = 0:

The default number of GPUs required by generators. Unless overridden by the equivalent persis_info settings, generators will be allocated this many GPUs.

enforce_worker_core_bounds [bool] = False:

Permit submission of tasks with a higher processor count than the CPUs available to the worker. Larger node counts are not allowed. Ignored when disable_resource_manager is set.

dedicated_mode [bool] = False:

Disallow any resources running libEnsemble processes (manager and workers) from being valid targets for app submissions.

zero_resource_workers [list of ints]:

List of workers (by IDs) that require no resources. For when a fixed mapping of workers to resources is required. Otherwise, use num_resource_sets. For use with supported allocation functions.

resource_info [dict]:

Provide resource information that will override automatically detected resources. The allowable fields are given below in “Overriding Resource Auto-Detection” Ignored if disable_resource_manager is set.

scheduler_opts [dict]:

Options for the resource scheduler. See “Scheduler Options” for more options.

Complete Class API
pydantic model libensemble.specs.LibeSpecs

Scheduler Options

See options for built-in scheduler.

Overriding Resource Auto-Detection

Note that "cores_on_node" and "gpus_on_node" are supported for backward compatibility, but use of Platform specification is recommended for these settings.

Resource Info Fields

The allowable libE_specs["resource_info"] fields are:

"cores_on_node" [tuple (int, int)]:
    Tuple (physical cores, logical cores) on nodes.

"gpus_on_node" [int]:
    Number of GPUs on each node.

"node_file" [str]:
    Name of file containing a node-list. Default is "node_list".

"nodelist_env_slurm" [str]:
    The environment variable giving a node list in Slurm format
    (Default: Uses ``SLURM_NODELIST``).  Queried only if
    a ``node_list`` file is not provided and the resource manager is

"nodelist_env_cobalt" [str]:
    The environment variable giving a node list in Cobalt format
    (Default: Uses ``COBALT_PARTNAME``) Queried only
    if a ``node_list`` file is not provided and the resource manager
    is enabled.

"nodelist_env_lsf" [str]:
    The environment variable giving a node list in LSF format
    (Default: Uses ``LSB_HOSTS``) Queried only
    if a ``node_list`` file is not provided and the resource manager
    is enabled.

"nodelist_env_lsf_shortform" [str]:
    The environment variable giving a node list in LSF short-form
    format (Default: Uses ``LSB_MCPU_HOSTS``) Queried only
    if a ``node_list`` file is not provided and the resource manager is

For example:

customizer = {cores_on_node": (16, 64),
            "node_file": "libe_nodes"}

libE_specs["resource_info"] = customizer

Formatting Options for libE_stats File

The allowable libE_specs["stats_fmt"] fields are:

"task_timing" [bool] = ``False``:
    Outputs elapsed time for each task launched by the executor.

"task_datetime" [bool] = ``False``:
    Outputs the elapsed time and start and end time for each task launched by the executor.
    Can be used with the ``""`` to give task utilization plots.

"show_resource_sets" [bool] = ``False``:
    Shows the resource set IDs assigned to each worker for each call of the user function.